viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Read this great essay by Virginia D, from FCE B!


We live in a really rich world.We have different kinds of soils, climates, animals and natural resources.But we are not aware of how much damage we cause to the environment every day,because of our daily activities
If we want to take care of our world we have to change our habits.You do not need to do complicated things, start with simple measures.For example, try buying reusable bags, they were made to reduce the consumption of single plastic and paper shopping bags, they are called “eco bags”.You buy one and you can use it every time you go shopping.These bags are 100% recyclable.We must not use plastic bags because it’s harmful to animals because they confuse them with food.The same happens with plastic bottles.
We should also separate our rubbish.In a wide range of cities there are different coloured containers to separate plastic, glass and paper.Then rubbish could be used to make new things.
Overall, it is not a big challenge to start changing the world.But we need every one’s help, so be responsible and take care of our home.

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